Entries for ‘t47’ — 12 articles
lipu lawa pi esun kama: a contract for future sales see it larger This conceptual piece was born in the toki pona discussion forums where Matthew Martin (jan Mato) proposed writing up a sales contract in toki pona. He reasoned that if contracts in foreign languages could be held valid, than one in an artificial […]
artwork by jan Telepi Here’s a humorous and dark image by jan Telepi which says “jan jaki li pakala ike”. You could translate it a number of ways, but it means something like “The filthy person evilly destroys.” Something particularly interesting is how the ike is consuming the pakala — pushing the sitelen farther into […]
artwork by Laugton McCry, toki pona translation by jan Ote I can’t say how excited I was when I got a link to this image in an email. Not only is jan Ote’s translation of Gilgamesh into toki pona probably my favorite toki pona text to date, but this adaptation of my sitelen sitelen by […]
artwork by jan Ante, from his translation of L’Internationale This is jan Ante’s sitelen sitelen using his own translation of L’Internationale. I always found this to be an interesting take on how to organize sitelen glyphs. jan Ante isn’t much of a fan of my using a simple container for li, I think he finds […]
The nine pages that make up this piece are a translation of the interview by Wolf Blitzer of the “Balloon Boy” family. I was interested in seeing how loose “TV speak” would translate into a toki pona, and then further into sitelen blocks. Also of note is the earlier style of question mark — this […]
Language is the Legacy of Humanity When trying to determine just what it is that makes humanity unique, the topic of language never fails to come up. It is the bond that holds societies together, the skill that allows us to share ideas; it is even the code on which our technologies run. When looking […]
I’ve added three new glyphs to sitelen sitelen for alasa, kipisi, and namako. Thanks to Joe Corneli for his initial glyph suggestions and feedback on my modifications!
December 8th, 2011
Per request, I have added the drawing instructions back to t47 sitelen sitelen. You can see them here.
November 15th, 2011
I’ve added a new lesson, Lesson 9 to T47. It covers writing proper names and commands with o.
October 14th, 2011
T47 is back on line! It took more time than I hoped, but all the old content has been revamped, and a new gallery has been added. New lessons and more galleries coming next.
September 20th, 2011
I’ve finished the homepage for project T47, and revamped the dictionary and lessons 1 through 5. I’ll finish 6 through 9 soon, add a quick gallery and hopefully have it all up on line in a couple days.
September 2nd, 2011
First up are the pages for project T47, the sitelen sitelen heiroglyphs. Working on the basic page layout now.